简介 Introduction

马来西亚机器厂商总会简介 Introduction

马来西亚机器厂商总会 (简称机商总会) 为代表全国铸造和机器有关行业团体组织之一。它成立于1977年1月7日,目前共有11个州属会 (会员) ,而所有属会的商号会员人数目前逾2,000名。
Federation of Malaysian Foundry and Engineering Industries Associations (FOMFEIA) is the national representative body for foundry and engineering related trade and industries in Malaysia. It was established on 7th January 1977 and the membership currently comprises 11 States Associations. Total number of member companies of State Associations has well exceeded 2,000 throughout Malaysia.


宗旨 Objectives

  1. 协助促进马来西亚机器工业领域的贸易交流、合作及发展;
    To promote business interaction, co-operation and development in the foundry & engineering industries;
  2. 联络马来西亚机商同业公会保持紧密的联系,促进团结、合作和互动;
    To maintain close relationship with the foundry & engineering associations in Malaysia; promoting solidarity, co-operation and interaction with them;
  3. 积极维护本行业整体利益:
    To protect the overall interest of the industry:-
  4. 维护本行业合法商业权益并在需要时协助提供处理问题的建议;
    To protect and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the industry and to provide consultation where necessary;
  5. 为本行业提供贸易交流和交易的平台和有关机器工业的资讯;以及
    To provide platform for business interaction & trading and supply information pertaining to foundry and engineering industries; and
  6. 协助本行业提升科技、工艺及技术。
    To assist in science, technology and skills development.

Title - The Roles

任务 The Roles

  1. 提供咨询和协助会员解决因政府政策和措施所引起的问题;
    Assist members in resolving problems arising from the implementation of government policies;
  2. 组织国外工商考察团,学习吸取国外先进科技;
    Organize study and exposure trade mission to learn and obtain technical expertise and technology from other countries;
  3. 与相关政府部门举行对话会及研讨会,讨论及研究会员在政府实施的政策下面对的难题和要求,寻求解决方案及促进双方了解;
    Hold dialogues and discussions with the related ministries with regard to the members’ problems, requirement and better understanding; and
  4. 参与和本行业有关之政府机构和私人团体的活动。
    Participate in the activities of the government agencies and private organizations that related to our industry.

Title - Emblem

会徽 Emblem


The emblem of the Federation is a toothed-wheel with 13 gear-teeth. The colour of gear-teeth is royal blue. Situated below the gear-teeth is the abbreviation of the Federation’s name, FOMFEIA.

Shape : 由13齿牙组成一齿轮。
Circular shape of a rotary cutter made up by 13 gear-teeth.

Structure : 13齿牙大小平均结合组成。
Constituted by 13 gear-teeth of equal size.

Meaning : 13齿牙代表机商总会属下全国十三州同业公会。各个齿牙以白线平均分隔以代表每一州, 各州组织团结在总会之旗帜下。每州属会之英文缩写名称标示在会徽之下端。
13 gear-teeth represent 13 state associations under the Federation. Each gear-tooth representing each state association is delineated by white lines showing their unity under the Federation. The abbreviated name in English of each state association will appear below the logo.

Colour : 深蓝色齿轮代表机器工业之进展。
Royal blue indicates the progress of the foundry & engineering industries.

属会会员业务类别 State Association’s Member Companies Business Categories

Scope of activities engaged by the State Association’s member companies are:

  1. 机械及设备制造 Machinery & Equipment Manufacturing
  2. 机械机件制造 Machinery Parts & Components Manufacturing
  3. 铸造/压铸/锻造 Foundry / Die Casting / Forging
  4. 铁工及烧焊 Steel Fabrication & Welding Works
  5. 金属冲压 Metal Stamping
  6. 热处理 Heat Treatment
  7. 五金机械 Engineering Hardware & Trading
  8. 精密机械 Precision Engineering
  9. 油压系统 Hydraulic System
  10. 车斗装备 Trailer Assembly
  11. 电镀及金属表面处理 Electroplating & Metal Surface Treatment
  12. 建筑五金制造 Construction Materials Manufacturing
  13. 模具制造 Mould & Die Manufacturing / Pattern Maker / Tooling
  14. 起重/吊秤/搬运/运输服务 Crane / Hoist Services
  15. 柴油泵服务 Diesel Fuel Pump Services
  16. 车辆泥机维修 Vehicles / Tractors Repair and Maintenance
  17. 其他机器相关业务 Other related engineering industries