
Date: 28th-29th August 2024
Venue: The Royale Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

Join us for a dynamic two-day learning experience at the ASIA HSE SUMMIT 2024 with industry leaders, policymakers, and HSE experts.

Immerse yourself in expert-led sessions that showcase the latest breakthroughs in HSE and learn how to foster a safety-first culture, implement efficient crisis response strategies, advocate for zero-harm initiatives and elevate your understanding of sustainable HSE practices that set new standards for workplace safety. 

The topics of discussion will include:

  • Workplace Emergencies Crisis Management & Best Practices for managing risks 
  • Workplace Violence Prevention: strategies to create safe workplace
  • Ergonomic Excellence: Tackling musculoskeletal disorders (MSDS) in the workplace
  • Smart Safety Technologies: Integration of AI, IOT, Drones for real-time Monitoring and predictive Safety management
  • Zero Harm Initiatives: Strategies on achieving mission Zero-Harm
  • PPE Innovations: Latest advancement in PPE for safety & compliance
  • Breaking bias: unconscious bias in workplace safety
  • Advancing ESG and Carbon Neutrality in Industrial operations
  • Innovative practices for reducing environmental footprints and integrating sustainability into HSE protocols
  • Practicing the Method R U OK in The Workplace and Crisis Management

This is your chance to Revolutionize Your HSE Approaches, Don’t miss out – secure your spot now and be part of the change!





For any further inquiries, feel free to contact:

AMINA: | +601161888699

MED: | +60182855877

GIFA Southeast Asia 2023

GIFA Southeast Asia

makes its inaugural showing in Bangkok, Thailand, with a comprehensive line-up of machinery, equipment and solutions for casting technologies and innovations. The 1st International Foundry Fair and Forum for Southeast Asia, will present a showcase in foundry systems, including casting machines and technologies, pouring equipment, moulding, core making, die making and more.

Show Title
GIFA Southeast Asia 2023
2nd International Foundry Trade Fair and Forum for Southeast Asia
20 – 22 September 2023
Opening Hours
10.00am – 6.00pm (20 – 21 Sep)
10.00am – 5.00pm (22 Sep)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) Bangkok, Thailand


创世纪技职培训中心增加新课程 – 机械绘图课程 (1年课)

创世纪技职培训中心增加新课程 – 机械绘图课程 (1年课)

Fom Era Vocational Academy added New Course – Mechanical Draughmanship (1 Year)

创世纪技职培训中心于明年新增机械绘图课程 (1年),修完该课程可考获 SKM - Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Level 3。

每年有 2 个开课日,即 1 月和5 月份。

有兴趣报读机械加工专业文凭或高级专业文凭课程以及机械绘图课程的会员/ 非会员子女,可在每逢星期一至五,早上9点至下午5点,直接联系06-3191599 (中心) 或 011-10858874 (中心主任-佩珍) 询问和报名,或预约前往中心参观询问。

Fom Era Vocational Academy has added a new course, namely Mechanical Draughmanship (1 Year) which can obtain SKM - Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Level 3 after completed the course.

There will be 2 sessions for new intake yearly which in January and May.

For those who would like to enroll or interested on the said courses are welcomed to contact the Head of Academy (Ms. Wong) at 06-3191599 (office) or 011-10858874 (mobile) for every Monday to Friday at 9am-5pm for further information, you may also make the appointment to visit the academy.




18-12-16 | 星洲古城版/ Sin Chew Melaka edition, 创世纪技职培训中心二周年纪念/ the 2nd Anniversary of Fom Era Vocational Academy

8-12-16, 创世纪技职培训中心已经开办二年了,特与董事、管委会委员、主任、导师和学生一起以聚餐庆祝二周年纪念日。 8/12/16, All the Directors, Management Committee Members, Head of Academy, Tutors and Students were gathered together to celebrate the 2nd Anniversary of Fom Era Vocational Academy.

21-12-16 | 星洲大都会/ Sin Chew Selangor & KL edition 星洲技职教育讲座 【学一技之长必有出头天】

星洲日报于17 & 18/12/16 在雪兰莪丹绒士拔华小和适耕庄育群国民型华文中学主办 “星洲技职教育讲座”。 Two sessions of Vocational Education Seminar were held on 17 & 18/12/16 organized by Sin Chew Daily.

星洲日报于17 & 18/12/16 在雪兰莪丹绒士拔华小和适耕庄育群国民型华文中学主办 “星洲技职教育讲座”。 Two sessions of Vocational Education Seminar were held on 17 & 18/12/16 organized by Sin Chew Daily.


总秘书彭刚浚受邀代表创世纪技职培训中心与大家分享 “技职教育对制造业的重要性”。 The Secretary-General Pang Kong Woon was invited to give talk on “the Importance of Vocational Educational to Manufacturing Industry”.

总秘书彭刚浚受邀代表创世纪技职培训中心与大家分享 “技职教育对制造业的重要性”。 The Secretary-General Pang Kong Woon was invited to give talk on “the Importance of Vocational Educational to Manufacturing Industry”.